
God is good all the time

이주성 0 1892

     Our heavenly Father stands before us with outstreched arms,

encouraging us toward holiness, eager to catch us when we stumble.

He picks us up when we fall. He is never discouraged with our progress,

nor he will never give up. The more difficult we find the process, the more

care and kindness He expends.

     " God will help us when we cannot walk, and He will help us when we

find it hard to walk, but he cannot help us if we will not walk." Eventhough

we fall, we must try again our Father holds us by His hand.

     I always thanks God whenever I remebered you in my prayers, during

the time of trials God bring us in a special church wherein we can pray.

give thanks, and listen to his words. Its a great previliged for us to be with

his wonderful people.

     I hope and prayed that we can be together again singing praises and

worship together our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Isaiah 41:10   " So do not fear, for Iam with you, do not be dismayed

                               for I am your God, I will strenghten you and help you

                              I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. "